Ashford Homes – proud to support local charity Wiltshire Mind

Wiltshire Mind is an independent charity supporting people in Wiltshire who are experiencing mental health problems or emotional distress. The charity was founded in 1993 in Devizes, supporting those living in long-term care to live and work in the community – following the closure of many mental health residential units. At this time, the charity was fully funded by the governing local councils across Wiltshire.

Nearly 30 years on, Wiltshire Mind continues to support the community, however, the funding has completely changed. Now affiliated to National Mind, Wiltshire Mind remains an independent charity, but they must raise every penny through fundraising or voluntary donations. The charity does not receive any statutory or commissioned income, and they rely on the community to help raise much needed funds. To provide its counselling, support groups and training services Wiltshire Mind must raise £465 each day of the year.

Ashford Homes is proud to support Wiltshire Mind and we took a visit to the charity’s new office in Trowbridge to see the new furniture the charity bought from our donation. The furniture will used to provide its adult and children and young people’s counselling services. Wiltshire Mind helps over 250 people a year through its therapeutic counselling, offering between 12 and 24 sessions for their service users. All counselling is free for children and young people, and low-cost for adults (£10 a session).

Paul Mills, CEO Wiltshire Mind said, “Thank you, Ashford Homes, for the very generous donation. We have put the money towards new furniture for our low-cost counselling service. Our clients, adults and children, will benefit greatly, making a real difference to their mental health support”.

Mental health charities are needed now more than ever, and mental health is a particular issue that is dominant in the construction industry. According to Mates in Mind (2022) – men in the UK are three times more likely to die by suicide than women. However, in construction – a male dominated industry – men are three times more likely to die by suicide than the national average for men.

Stuart Morgan, MD Ashford Homes said, “The construction industry is suffering from a serious mental health crisis, and it’s imperative that we take major steps to change things. We are looking forward to Wiltshire Mind providing Ashford Homes with training on how to spot the signs and triggers of mental health problems and how to provide the best support to our team.”

For more information on Wiltshire Mind, visit their website.
