We are affiliated to Mind, supporting people who are experiencing mental health problems or emotional distress.
We provide one-to-one counselling support for people who are experiencing mental health problems. During the pandemic, we have provided our services remotely to support those facing isolation and loneliness.
Our free counselling for children and young people aged 11+ aims to provide a safe space where highly specialist counsellors use a range of creative therapeutic methods to help young people connect to, and express, their emotions. Helping young people develop coping strategies can mean they are able to thrive rather than just survive.
Read our story here and our history timeline.
Registered Office:
Trinity House, Bryer Ash Business Park, Trowbridge, BA14 8HE
Telephone: 01225 706532
Email: office@wiltshiremind.co.uk
Correspondence address: Trinity House, Bryer Ash Business Park, Trowbridge, BA14 8HE
Company No: 5498430
Charity No: 1113751
Board of Trustees:
Chair of Trustees: James Donald
Trustee Treasurer: Brian Stables
Trustees: Alex Shaw, Joe McTiernan
Management Team:
Chief Executive : Paul Mills
Head of Service Delivery: Philippa Collins
Wiltshire Mind’s vision is of a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all and that treats people with experience of mental distress fairly, positively and with respect.
Our Mission
Many people suffer the anguish, isolation and stigma of mental illness, whether they have a diagnosed mental health problem, or just looking for help and support. We’re here to provide friendly, safe place where anyone can find the support and respect they need and deserve.
Our Values
> We are open and respect individual experience and include everyone who needs us
> Together we are stronger in partnerships
> People’s emotional wellbeing and mental health drive all we do
> Our independence ensures our integrity and confidentiality
> We will challenge discrimination and campaign for better mental health
Our Aims
> Enhance mental wellbeing by developing resilience.
> We influence public health policy to reduce environmental risk factors for poor mental health.
> Enable social participation by reducing stigma and enabling people with mental health problems to play a full part in society through employment and training.
> Empower people experiencing mental health problems by providing access to information & advice, peer support networks and personalised services.
> Improve services, support and awareness by working with partners and campaigning for the statutory sector to commission and deliver excellent mental health services.
> Improve the effectiveness of our work by building a professional, efficient and financially sustainable organisation.
Latest Trustees and Report and Accounts – 2023-2024